Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I got an email yesterday from my advisor telling me that my first three chapters have been reviewed by the committee and are on their way home for revision. She went over the three major trouble areas in her email: some confusion with pronouns in the prologue, need for richer setting, and confusion over the epigraphs.

The first two I totally agree with. And I know how to fix the first issue with little trouble. In fact it will add another layer to the character and make it even richer. The second one I agree with, I just need to really luxuriate in scenic details, something I hadn't really allowed for.

The issue with the epigraphs I don't know that I agree with. I think they make sense in connection with the work. Dr. Hileman suggested that I just explain the connections in my introduction. But then I feel they are not successful because they shouldn't need explaining. Staylee thinks they make sense, but he's not on the committee. Perhaps I will just have to see what they say about them before I decide what to do.

The studying continues. I am so terrified of this exam. I wake up at night in fear, I have nightmares about's almost paralyzing. I am so afraid I won't be prepared enough or I'll just freeze and everything I've tried to digest over the past few weeks will just leak out my ears.

In an effort to spread literature and beauty in the world, I thought I'd post some Emily Dickenson for your reading enjoyment.

SOME keep the Sabbath going to church;

I keep it staying at home,

With a bobolink for a chorister,

And an orchard for a dome.

Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;

I just wear my wings,

And instead of tolling the bell for church,

Our little sexton sings.

God preaches,—a noted clergyman,—

And the sermon is never long;

So instead of getting to heaven at last,

I ’m going all along!

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